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Not as bad as I thought September 23, 2008

Posted by Judy in Musings.

After three weeks on the job . .. it’s not so bad.  I did convince my very lovely 11-year old boy to not take lessons for a bit, especially since he didn’t read music.  Maybe some people can teach voice lessons to people who don’t read music, not this chickadee.

The group piano classes are going really well.  My class of 4-5 year olds was WILD on Sunday . . .we had a little chat about whether or not they were being respectful . . the consensus was not so much.  They are cute little humans, just wild.  But I can’t blame them, seems like there is SOOOOO much information covered in one class, much more than I cover with my 6-7 year olds, which seems silly to me.

My other two classes are full of ridiculously fast learners.  Every week I have to come up with something new to teach them that wasn’t on the lesson plan because they pick things up so quickly.  So all in all, it’s not so bad teaching the classes. . . . we have fun and it gives me something interesting to do.  I still don’t think the curriculum is very good, but they aren’t paying me to write a new curriculum, just teach the existing one!!


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