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Melissa & Doug are awesome! June 13, 2009

Posted by Judy in Sewing projects.

Okay, so maybe they aren’t awesome, but it sure is a great toy making company.  The toy kitchen arrived the other day and I had to put it together.  I’d read that it was quite the task, which it was, but only because there were many pieces.  The instructions were the BEST I’ve seen (and I’ve put lots of stuff together!)

  • the drawings were very clear
  • the pieces were all color-coded so you would definitely know where the pieces went
  • all of the pieces fit together well (I hate it when the instructions say, “do this” and it just doesn’t really work!)

I couldn’t believe how easy it was.  Did I mention the instructions were great!

Look how they show you the actual size of the hardware as well as the "this step assembled" picture.

Look how they show you the actual size of the hardware as well as the "this step assembled" picture.

It took me maybe 2-3 hours to put together. . . . much of the time was spent in putting together the doors with the hinges, handles and closing latches . . that took forever!  We are quite happy with the kitchen, and DS couldn’t possibly be any happier!


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